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EDI Engine™ \ Advantages

EDI Engine™ software stores all data, including documents and logs in a database, which provides enormous possibilities for data access and manipulation.

img advantages

All translated documents are normalized into a standard business-type-of-document structure and entered into the database for the purpose of easy integration and reporting. By normalizing this data, the differences among trading partners' EDI structures are eliminated providing a unique and uniform method for accessing the data

Documents, logs and all additional information are stored in the database

Software upgrades include automatic database actualization

Provides an open interface into any client/server database for larger customers with a more demanding environment in terms of data volume

Provides support and automation of maintenance of additional data structures, such as store and DC locations, address book and item master

Offers a client-based database for small clients capable of handling thousands of transactions without the complexities of the typical database administration job. Additionally, the database includes performance features, such as Microsoft's Rushmore technology and archiving capabilities for unlimited data storage capacity

Provides access to all EDI Engine™ data using different standard technologies, such as ODBC, OleDB or JDBC as well as simple data query tools similar to the one included in Microsoft's Excel or to Business Objects' Crystal Reports, a more sophisticated report writer


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