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EDI Engine™ \ Translation

EDI Engine™ includes a bullet-proof translation engine that does not require any technical expertise to operate and is suitable for all types of translation demands.

Right Technology
By design, it supports all EDI standards including X12 and EDIFACT as well as different versions and subsets, such as VICS .

The translator incorporates an ability to translate non-EDI data, such as XML and flat files.

Optimized Translation
The translator will process as much as possible without interfering with data integrity, compensating for corrupted transmissions or incorrect envelopes or documents within the same transmission. The translator will even process correct documents within an incomplete or non-compliant envelope, which reduces data processing issues related to failed transmissions.

Automatic recognition of separators on inbound documents.

Database Integration and Normalization
Translates all documents into and from a database repository; the data in the database is normalized, regardless of the number of trading partners, how they differ in their specifications or if they used different versions and/or different standards.

On-the-fly Updates
Runs special algorithms during inbound translation to add and update store locations and item codes. There is no need to pre-configure or maintain this data separately.

Functional Acknowledgments
Allows for manual or automatic generation of functional acknowledgments from inbound data. Both summary and detailed acknowledgments are supported.

Management of rejected Documents
Inbound data that is not properly formatted or configured for trading is queued and isolated for later processing.


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