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EDI Engine™ \ Translation \ EDIFACT \ Container Movement Messages

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General Transport  |  Container Movement Messages  |  Dangerous Goods Movement  |  Forwarding  |  General Purpose

  • CALINF Call Information Message
  • COACOR Container Acceptance Order
  • COARCO Container Arrival Confirmation
  • COARIN Container Arrival Information
  • COARNO Container Arrival Notice
  • COARRI Container Arrival Message
  • CODECO Container Departure Confirmation
  • CODENO Container Customs Documents Expiration Notice
  • CODEPA Container Departure Message
  • COEDOR Empty Container Disposition Order
  • COHAOR Container Handling Order
  • COITON Container Inland Transport Order Notice
  • COITOR Container Inland Transport Order
  • COITOS Container Inland Transport Response
  • COITSR Container Inland Transport Space Request
  • COOVLA Container Overlanded
  • COPARN Container Pre-Arrival Notice
  • COPDEM Container Pre-Departure with Guidelines Message
  • COPINF Container Pick-Up Information
  • COPINO Container Pick-Up Notice
  • COPRAR Container Pre-Arrival Message
  • COPRDP Container Pre-Departure Message
  • COREOR Container Release Order
  • COSHLA Container Shortlanded Message
  • COSTCO Container Stuffing Confirmation
  • COSTOR Container Stuffing Order

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